

How do we automate manual, error-prone processes? The answer is workflow. Click here for our invoice processing and healthcare claims processing solutions.

Our workflow partners:

FileBound Document Management Solutions from Casey

The FileBound Workflow Module automates the collaboration and assignment of tasks to accelerate the completion of critical business decisions. This equates to increased operational efficiencies, reduced costs, and organizational scalability.

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Digitech Document Management Solutions from Casey

PaperVision Workflow enables businesses to fully automate standardized business processes, routing any document, anywhere, anytime, while tracking the process and alerting users of new work assignments. Best of all, this product is available on-premise or on-demand.

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Contact Casey Associates for a Free Demo

Casey Associates
2129 Washington St.
Kansas City, MO 64108

(877) 902-2010 toll-free
(816) 221-2010 phone
(816) 221-2494 fax
